【6 Minute Englishスクリプト&和訳】 AI to reduce animal testing(AIによる動物実験の削減)



この記事では、BBC Learning Englishによる6 Minute Englishの原文と日本語訳を紹介しています。今回は、2024年7月18日に公開された”AI to reduce animal testing”が題材です。

原文はこちらから(6 Minute English / BBC Learning English)



Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Phil.

こんにちは。BBCラーニング・イングリッシュの6 Minute Englishです。フィルです。


And I’m Georgie.



Animal testing is when living animals are used in scientific research to find out how effective a new medicine is, or how safe a product is for humans.



Scientists in favour of it argue that animal testing shows whether medicines are safe or dangerous for humans, and has saved many lives. But animal rights campaigners say it’s cruel, and also ineffective because animals and humans are so different.



Under British law, medicines must be tested on two different types of animals, usually starting with rats, mice or guinea pigs. And in everyday English, the term human guinea pig can be used to mean the first people to have something tested on them. But now, groups both for and against animal testing are thinking again, thanks to a recent development in the debate: AI.

英国の法律では、医薬品は通常ラット、マウス、モルモットの2種類の動物でテストされなければなりません。日常英語では、”human guinea pig”という言葉は、最初に実験される人という意味で使われます。しかし今、動物実験に賛成するグループも反対するグループも、最近の議論の進展のおかげで、改めて考え直そうとしている: AI(人工知能)です。


In this programme, we’ll be hearing how artificial intelligence could help reduce the need for scientific testing on animals.



But first I have a question for you, Georgie. There’s one commonly used medicine in particular, which is harmful for animals but safe for humans, but what? Is it:

a)    antibiotics?

b)    aspirin? or,

c)    paracetamol?


Hmm, I guess it’s aspirin.



OK, Georgie, I’ll reveal the answer at the end of the programme. Christine Ro is a science journalist who’s interested in the animal testing debate. Here, she explains to BBC World Service programme, ‘Tech Life’, some of the limitations of testing medicines on animals.

それでは答えは番組の最後に明かしましょう。クリスティン・ロは科学ジャーナリストで、動物実験の議論に関心があります。彼女はBBCワールドサービスの番組『Tech Life』で、動物実験による医薬品の限界について説明しています。

Christine Ro

Of course, you can’t necessarily predict from a mouse or a dog what’s going to happen in a human, and there have been a number of cases where substances that have proven to be toxic in animals have been proven to be safe in humans, and vice versa.



There are also, of course, animal welfare limitations to animal testing. Most people, I think, if they had the choice, would want their substances to be used on as few animals, or no animals, as possible, while still ensuring safety. Now that’s been a really difficult needle to thread, but AI might help to make that more possible.



Christine says that medicines which are safe for animals, might not be safe for humans. But the opposite is also true – what’s safe for humans might not be safe for animals. Christine uses the phrase vice versa to show that the opposite of what she says is also true.

クリスティンは、動物には安全な薬でも、人間には安全でないかもしれないと言います。しかし、逆もまた真なりで、人間にとって安全なものは動物にとって安全ではないかもしれません。クリスティンは”vice versa”という表現を使って、自分が言っていることの反対もまた真実であることを示しています。


Christine also uses the idiom to thread the needle to describe a task which requires a lot of skill and precision, especially one involving a conflict. Yes, medical animal testing may save human lives, but many people see it as cruel and distressing for the animal – it’s a difficult needle to thread.

クリスティンはまた、”thread the needle ”という慣用句を使って、多くの技術と正確さを必要とする仕事、特に対立を伴う仕事を表現しています。確かに、医療動物実験は人間の命を救うかもしれないですが、多くの人は動物にとって残酷で苦痛なものだと考えています。


But now, the challenge of threading that needle has got a little easier because of artificial intelligence. Predicting how likely a new medicine is to harm humans, involves analysing the results of thousands of experiments. And one thing AI is really good at, is analysing mountains and mountains of data. Here’s Christine Ro again, speaking with BBC World Service’s, ‘Tech Life’.

しかし今、人工知能のおかげで、その針に糸を通す挑戦は少し簡単になりました。新薬が人間に害を及ぼす可能性を予測するには、何千もの実験結果を分析する必要があります。そして、AIが本当に得意なことのひとつは、山のようなデータを分析することです。ここで再びクリスティン・ロがBBCワールドサービスの『Tech Life』で語っています。

Christine Ro

So, AI isn’t the whole picture of course, but it’s an increasingly important part of the picture. And one reason for that, is that there is a huge amount of toxicology data to wade through when it comes to determining chemical safety, and on top of that, there’s this staggering number of chemicals being invented all of the time.



AI helps scientists wade through huge amounts of data. If you wade through something, you spend a lot of time and effort doing something boring or difficult, especially reading a lot of information.

AIは科学者が膨大な量のデータを読みこなすのを助けてくれます。”wade through something”は、退屈なことや難しいこと、特に多くの情報を読むことに多くの時間と労力を費やすということです。


AI can process huge amounts of data, and what’s more, that amount keeps growing as new chemicals are invented. Christine uses the phrase on top of that, meaning ‘in addition to something’, often this extra thing is negative. She means there’s already so much data to understand and additionally, there’s even more to be understood about these new chemicals.

AIは膨大な量のデータを処理できるし、しかもその量は新しい化学物質が発明されるにつれて増え続けます。クリスティンは”on top of that”というフレーズを使っています。彼女は、理解すべきデータがすでにたくさんあり、さらに、これらの新しい化学物質について理解すべきことがさらにあるという意味で使っています。


Of course, the good news is that with AI, testing on animals could one day stop, although Christine warns that AI is not the whole picture, it’s not a complete description of something which includes all the relevant information. Nevertheless, the news is a step forward for both animal welfare and for modern medicine.



Speaking of which, what was the answer to your question, Phil? What is a commonly used medicine which is safe for humans, but harmful to animals? I guessed it was aspirin.



Which was the correct answer! Right, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve discussed, starting with human guinea pigs meaning the first people to have something new tested on them.

正解です!では、これまで説明した語彙を復習しましょう。まず、”human guinea pigs”とは、何か新しいものを最初に実験される人を意味します。


The phrase vice versa is used to indicate that the opposite of what you have just said is also true.

”vice versa”というフレーズは、今言ったことの反対も正しいことを示すのに使います。


To thread the needle describes a task which requires extreme skill and precision to do successfully.

”thread the needle ”は、成功させるためには極めて高い技術と正確さが要求される作業のこと。


The whole picture means a complete description of something, which includes all the relevant information and opinions about it.

”The whole picture”とは、何かを完全に描写することで、それに関するすべての関連情報や意見を含みます。


If you wade through something, you spend a lot of time and effort doing something boring or difficult, especially reading a lot of information.

”wade through something”は、退屈なことや難しいことに多くの時間と労力を費やすこと。


And finally, the phrase on top of something means ‘in addition to something’, and that extra thing is often negative. That’s all for this week. Goodbye for now!

そして最後に、”on top of something”は「何かに加えて」という意味で、その余分なものは否定的であることが多い。今週はここまで。さようなら!





human guinea pigs(人間モルモット)

the first people to have something new tested on them


vice versa(逆)

used to indicate that the opposite of what you have just said is also true


thread the needle(針に糸を通す)

task which requires extreme skill and precision to do successfully, especially one which requires balancing conflicting interests


the whole picture(全体像)

a complete description of something which includes all the relevant information and opinions about it


wade through something(何かをかき分ける)

spend a lot of time and effort doing something boring or difficult, especially reading a lot of information


on top of something(~に加えて)

in addition to something, especially something unpleasant

