【6 Minute Englishスクリプト&和訳】 Birthday cakes(誕生日ケーキ)



この記事では、BBC Learning Englishによる6 Minute Englishの原文と日本語訳を紹介しています。今回は、2024年8月8日に公開された”Birthday cakes”が題材です。

原文はこちらから(6 Minute English / BBC Learning English)



Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil.

こんにちは。BBC Learning English の 6 Minute English です。ニールです。

And I’m Beth. [Singing] Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday dear Neil… Happy birthday to you!

ベスです。[歌] ハッピー バースデー トゥー ユー!

Erm thank you, Beth – but… it’s not my birthday.

えーっと、ありがとう、ベス。でも… 私の誕生日じゃないの。

I know, but this programme is all about birthdays – or birthday cakes to be precise.


Ah yes, the highlight of any birthday party is the birthday cake, blowing out the candles and making a wish.


Right. But things have changed a lot from the days when most birthday cakes were homemade – made at home and not bought from a shop. Nowadays many birthday cakes are works of art – extravagant, edible creations designed and decorated to represent the person celebrating their birthday.

その通り。でも、バースデー ケーキのほとんどが手作りだった時代から、状況は大きく変わりました。今では、バースデー ケーキの多くは芸術作品です。誕生日を祝う人を表すためにデザインされ、飾られた、贅沢で食べられる作品です。

In this programme we’ll be hearing from two bakers – a famous TV chef who bakes simple but tasty cakes, and another who’s designed personalised birthday cakes for celebrities, including Arnold Schwarzenegger. And, as usual, we’ll be learning some useful new vocabulary as well.


Sounds good. But first I have a question for you, Neil. Everyone looks forward to their birthday, especially if there’s cake, but according to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, which is the most common month to be born? Is it:

a) March?
b) July? or,
c) September?


a) 3月?

b) 7月?

c) 9月?

Hmm that’s an interesting question and I’m going to guess it’s September.


OK, Neil, I’ll reveal the answer at the end of the programme. One of Britain’s best loved cake bakers is Dame Mary Berry. Here she describes her perfect birthday cake to BBC Radio 4’s, The Food Programme.

わかりました、ニールさん。番組の最後に答えをお伝えします。イギリスで最も愛されているケーキ職人の一人がメアリー・ベリー女史です。ここで彼女は、BBCラジオ4の「The Food Programme」で、完璧な誕生日ケーキについて語っています。

Dame Mary Berry
My perfect cake would be something in lemon or orange because those are my favourite flavours. I don’t mind how higgledy-piggledy it is, doesn’t take a long time to do, but beautifully fresh and beautifully flavoured. Simple.


Mary Berry thinks a simple birthday cake is best. She doesn’t mind if the decoration is higgledy-piggledy – mixed up and in no particular order.


Yes, when it comes to birthday cakes, flavour is more important than decoration for Dame Mary Berry. But now, a new generation of bakers is making cakes in a totally different way. The cakes Adam Cox makes in his East London bakery are truly fantastic-looking creations. Here’s Adam speaking to BBC Radio 4’s, The Food Programme:

そうです、バースデーケーキに関しては、メアリー・ベリー女史にとって、デコレーションよりも味の方が重要です。しかし今、新しい世代のパン職人がまったく違う方法でケーキを作っています。アダム・コックスがイーストロンドンのパン屋で作るケーキは、本当に見た目が素晴らしい作品です。以下は、BBCラジオ4の”The Food Programme”でアダムが語る内容です。

Adam Cox
I get asked to do all sorts. My customers and clients are very generous with the leeway that they give me based on the past designs that I’ve made that they’ve seen, so they’re happy to just leave it with me… I really just want to create something that will, you know, last long in the memory for the person that I do it for. It’s a real pleasure to have this as a job because, as I say, it gives me a lot of freedom to express myself creatively, so I really try and go above and beyond to give the client something that, you know, they will be really happy with and…


Adam gets asked to make all sorts, meaning many different kinds, of cakes. His customers, who want the cake to be a special part of a birthday party, give him lots of leeway, lots of freedom to make the cake the way he wants to. Adam finds out about the person’s interests and hobbies, and uses these to come up with decoration ideas.


Adam loves his job. It gives him the freedom to express himself creatively, and he enjoys seeing his customers’ reaction when the finished cake is revealed. Adam goes above and beyond to satisfy his customers. If you go above and beyond, you do something with more effort than would normally be expected.

アダムは自分の仕事が大好きです。自由に創造的に自分を表現することができ、完成したケーキを見せたときの顧客の反応を見るのが楽しいのです。アダムは顧客を満足させるために、いつも以上の努力をします。”go above and beyond”は、通常期待される以上の努力をするということです。

And the result of Adam’s extra effort? Birthday cakes which last long in the memory, a phrase describing something which creates such a strong impression that it’s remembered for a long time…

アダムの特別な努力の結果は? 記憶に長く残るバースデーケーキ、”last long in the memory”は非常に強い印象を残し、長い間記憶に残ることを表すフレーズです。

…or at least until the following year, when another birthday comes around and it’s time to start baking all over again!


And speaking of birthdays coming around, what was the answer to your question, Beth? You asked me which was the most common month to be born in the UK…

誕生日が近づいていると言えば、ベス、あなたの質問の答えは何でしたか? イギリスで一番生まれやすい月はいつかと聞かれました…

And you guessed it was September, which was… the correct answer! Babies born in the UK peak in September. Right, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve learned from this programme starting with homemade – an adjective describing something which is made at home and not bought from a shop.

そして、9月だと推測しましたね。正解です! イギリスで生まれる赤ちゃんは9月にピークを迎えます。では、この番組で学んだ語彙を復習しましょう。まずは”homemade”から始めましょう。これは、お店で買ったものではなく、家で作ったものを表す形容詞です。

If something is higgledy-piggledy, it’s mixed up and in no particular order.


The phrase all sorts means many different kinds of something, like the sweets called Liquorice Allsorts which come in different shapes and colours.

“all sorts”というフレーズは、さまざまな形や色のリコリス オールソートと呼ばれるお菓子のように、さまざまな種類があることを意味します。

If someone gives you leeway to do something, they give you the freedom to do it the way you want to.


The idiom to last long in the memory means to create such a strong effect that it is remembered for a long time.

“last long in the memory “という慣用句は、長い間記憶に残るほど強い効果を生み出すことを意味します。

And finally, when someone goes above and beyond, they do something with much more effort than would usually be expected. Once again our six minutes are up. If your birthday is coming up, we hope you have a cake with candles and make a wish to join us again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English. Goodbye for now!

そして最後に、誰かがgoes above and beyond(期待以上のことをする)とき、その人は通常期待されるよりもはるかに多くの努力を払って何かを行います。本日の6 分間もこれで終了ですが、誕生日が近い方は、ろうそくを立てたケーキを用意して、6 Minute English でトレンドのトピックや役立つ語彙をもっと学べるよう、またすぐに参加してください。さようなら!




made at home and not bought from a shop


mixed up and jumbled in no particular order


all sorts(いろいろ)
many different kinds of something


the freedom to do something in the way you want to


last long in the memory(記憶に長く残る)
create such a strong effect that it is remembered for a long time


go above and beyond(期待以上のことをする)
do something with more effort than would usually be expected or required

