【6 Minute Englishスクリプト&和訳】 Meet a real Willy Wonka(本物のウィリー・ウォンカに会おう)



この記事では、BBC Learning Englishによる6 Minute Englishの原文と日本語訳を紹介しています。今回は、2024年8月29日に公開された” Meet a real Willy Wonka”が題材です。

原文はこちらから(6 Minute English / BBC Learning English)



Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil.

こんにちは。BBC Learning English の 6 Minute English です。ニールです。

And I’m Beth.


In Britain, millions of kids grow up reading the books of Roald Dahl. Before his death in 1990, Roald Dahl wrote over thirty children’s books, including bestsellers like Matilda and The BFG. But one book in particular is many people’s favourite – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Ah yes, I remember the story of Charlie Bucket – the poor kid whose luck turns around when he wins a Golden Ticket to the local chocolate factory. The factory is run by the mysterious Willy Wonka who invents all kinds of sweets and chocolates for the children to try – everything from strawberry-coated fudge to marshmallow pillows. Neil, I really wanted to visit that chocolate factory.


If that story sounds familiar then maybe, as a kid, you also dreamed of tasting chocolate for a living. But in this programme we’ll be meeting a real life Willy Wonka, someone whose job involves exactly that – inventing and tasting chocolate bars! And, as usual, we’ll be learning some useful new vocabulary too.


Helle Anttila has the kind of job most people can only dream of. Helle is head of research and development at Fazer, a confectionary company in Finland which has been making and selling chocolate for over 130 years. Helle is responsible for buying the cocoa beans used to make chocolate, and coming up with ideas for new chocolate products to sell. So, my question for you, Neil, is this: what is Britain’s best-selling chocolate bar? Is it:

a) KitKat?
b) Snickers? or,
c) Mars?


a) キットカット?

b) スニッカーズ?

c) マーズ?

Hmm, well, I’m going to guess that it’s KitKat.


OK, Neil, I’ll reveal the correct answer at the end of the programme. With over 6,000 employees, Fazer is Finland’s largest chocolate maker. Just like Willy Wonka, Helle and her team think up new and exciting chocolate products. Here Helle explains more to Ruth Alexander for BBC World Service programme, The Food Chain:


Ruth Alexander
Part of your job is to travel around the world and eat chocolate?


Helle Anttila
That would be a dream! But of course you get the different information from different sources around the world. So I think there is a brilliant amount of ideas… then it is just that OK, when is the right time to actually develop and launch certain type of products, when there is a consumer demand?


Ruth Alexander
How does it feel when you’ve developed a new product, a new taste, and it’s on the shelves and people are going for it?


Helle Anttila
It feels great! You really feel proud of my team who is creating the products and creating the taste experience. It’s really a great feeling.


Ruth Alexander
Can you tell us about any flops where you just feel like we, chocolate eaters, just weren’t ready for it?


Helle Anttila
I think those flops are as important as the products which are gaining great sales, because you always learn.


Helle describes her chocolate-maker job as a dream, something that you want to happen very much, but is not very likely to. But in Helle’s case, her dream came true.


After they invent a new chocolate bar, Helle’s team carefully choose the best time to launch it – to introduce the new product to the public. Usually this only happens when there is enough consumer demand – a measurement of how much customers want to buy something based on factors like its price and availability.


If consumer demand is strong, Fazer starts to advertise and promote their new chocolate bar before it hits the shelves – an idiom meaning that it becomes available for people to buy in the shops. Then it’s just a question of waiting to see if people go for, or choose, the new product.

消費者の需要が強い場合、Fazer は新しいチョコレートバーが店頭に並ぶ前に宣伝とプロモーションを開始します。これは、人々が店で購入できるようになるという意味の慣用句です。後は、人々がその新製品に手を出すか、選ぶかを見守るだけです。

Some of Helle’s biggest successes have been her Blueberry Truffle and the heart-shaped Geisha bar she invented. But sometimes the new chocolate bar she thinks up is a flop, completely unsuccessful or a failure.

ヘレの最大の成功は、ブルーベリー トリュフと、彼女が考案したハート型のゲイシャ バーです。しかし、彼女が考案した新しいチョコレート バーが大失敗したり(まったく成功しなかったり、失敗したり)することもあります。

Flop or not, Helle thinks she has one of the best jobs in the world, even if she doesn’t get to eat as much of her chocolate inventions as Willy Wonka. Anyway, speaking of best-selling chocolate, isn’t it time to reveal the answer to your question, Beth?

失敗にせよ失敗にせよ、ヘレは自分が世界で最高の仕事の 1 つに就いていると考えています。たとえウィリー ウォンカほど自分の発明したチョコレートを食べる機会がなかったとしても。とにかく、ベストセラーのチョコレートといえば、そろそろベスさんの質問の答えを明かすべきではないですか。

Right. I asked you about Britain’s best-selling chocolate bar, and you guessed it’s KitKat, which was… the wrong answer I’m afraid, Neil. In fact, the UK’s most popular chocolate is the Mars bar, meaning that over 3 million bars get made every day! OK, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve learned in this programme starting with a dream, something you really want to happen but is not likely to, and the related idiom, a dream come true, when what you really want to happen actually does.

そうです。イギリスで最も売れているチョコレート バーについてお聞きしましたが、キットカットだとお考えだったようですが、残念ながらそれは間違った答えでしたね、ニール。実際、イギリスで最も人気のあるチョコレートはマーズ バーで、毎日 300 万個以上が製造されているということです。では、この番組で学んだ語彙を復習しましょう。”a dream”、つまり本当に実現したいが実現しそうにないことから始め、関連する慣用句である”a dream come true”は、本当に実現したいことが実際に起こることです。

When a company launches a new consumer product, they introduce it to the public for the first time.


Consumer demand is a measurement of consumers’ desire to buy a product based on factors like its price and availability.

“Consumer demand”とは、価格や入手可能性などの要素に基づいて消費者が製品を購入したいという欲求を測る尺度です。

When a product hits the shelves, it becomes available for purchase in the shops.

製品が店頭に並ぶ(hit the shelves)と、店頭で購入できるようになります。

If you go for something, you choose it. For example, in a restaurant you might say, ‘I think I’ll go for the fish’.

何かを選ぶ(go for something)ということは、それを選ぶということです。たとえば、レストランで「魚にしようかな」と言うかもしれません。

And finally, if something is a flop, it’s completely unsuccessful – a failure. Once again our six minutes are up, but remember to join us again next time for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English. Goodbye for now!

そして最後に、何かが失敗(flop)に終わった場合、それは完全に成功せず、失敗です。また 6 分間が終了しましたが、次回も 6 Minute English でトレンドのトピックや役立つ語彙について学びますので、またお越しください。では、さようなら!




a dream (come true)
something you want to happen very much but is not likely to (but that does in fact happen)


introduce something new, such as a consumer product, to the public


consumer demand
measure of consumers’ desire to buy a certain product based on its price and availability


hit the shelves
(idiom) become available for purchase


go for (something)
choose (something)


a flop
completely unsuccessful; a failure

