【6 Minute Englishスクリプト&和訳】 Kids and climate change(子どもと気候変動)



この記事では、BBC Learning Englishによる6 Minute Englishの原文と日本語訳を紹介しています。今回は、2024年8月15日に公開された”Kids and climate change”が題材です。

原文はこちらから(6 Minute English / BBC Learning English)



Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil.

こんにちは。BBC Learning English の 6 Minute English です。ニールです。

And I’m Beth.


Many of those leading the fight against climate change are young people who feel betrayed by politicians and adults. In survey after survey, children report feeling that they have no future, that humanity is doomed, and that governments are failing to act.


This is causing many young people to feel worried about the state of the planet. There’s even a name for it – climate anxiety. And it’s also creating conflict between adults and children in families and schools. 

このため、多くの若者が地球の状態について不安を感じています。”climate anxiety”(気候に対する不安)という言葉さえあります。また、家庭や学校で大人と子どもの間に対立も生じています。

What’s certain is that a solution to the climate emergency needs the cooperation of everyone, both old and young. So, can talking honestly about the climate help mend the divisions between generations? That’s what we’ll be discussing in this programme, along with some useful new vocabulary.


But first I have a question for you, Neil.  Many young people’s hopes and fears about climate change are symbolised by the Swedish activist, Greta Thunberg. These days Greta travels the world speaking about the climate emergency, but her protests started much smaller, in her hometown, Stockholm. So how did Greta Thunberg’s climate activism begin? Did she:

a)    plant trees in her school garden?
b)    skip school on Fridays? or,
c)    recycle her school’s plastic waste?


a) 学校の庭に木を植えた?

b) 金曜日に学校を休んだ?

c) 学校のプラスチック廃棄物をリサイクルした?

Hmmm, I think Greta Thunberg went on strike and skipped school on Fridays.


OK, Neil, I’ll reveal the correct answer later in the programme.  One recent survey showed that three-quarters or more of young people in the UK feel the future is frightening. Here, Immie, aged 14, and Milly, 11, share some of their fears with BBC Ideas:

OK、ニール、正解は番組の後半で発表します。最近の調査では、英国の若者の4分の3以上が将来が恐ろしいと感じていることがわかりました。ここで、14歳のイミーと11歳のミリーがBBC Ideasに自分たちの恐怖を語ります。

If climate change were, like, an animal or plant, I think it’d be some sort of parasite, because it’s the only thing that’s actually growing and getting bigger, while everything else starts dying off. I think climate change is, like, really scary. And the fact that lots of people aren’t doing much about it, just sort of freaks me out.


The environment is definitely very special because if we get rid of it, there’s nowhere else we can go. It’s a very one in a million, sort of, planet.


Immie calls climate change a parasite. In the natural world, a parasite is an animal or plant that lives on another living thing and feeds from it. If you describe a person as a parasite, you mean they are lazy and live off other people supporting them or giving them money.


Likewise, Immie thinks climate change is sucking the goodness out of the planet, and she uses a slang idiom to describe her feelings – it freaks me out! If something freaks you out, it makes you become very emotional, upset or confused.

同様に、イミーは気候変動が地球から良いものを吸い取っていると考えており、自分の気持ちを表現するのに俗語の慣用句である” it freaks me out!”(私を怖がらせるのです!)を使います。怖がらせるというのは、非常に感情的にさせたり、動揺させたり、混乱させたりするということです。

Milly agrees. What freaks her out is that governments don’t seem to be doing much about the problem. It’s not as if we can escape anywhere – humankind only has one home, planet earth. Millie calls Earth one in a million, meaning very special or rare. So, what can be done? Psychotherapist, Caroline Hickman, has visited 10 countries around the world talking to over 100,000 teenagers about their climate fears. They told her about parents ignoring them when they wanted to discuss their feelings, and adults telling them, ‘Fixing the planet is your job now!’ Here, she gives BBC Ideas some advice on discussing climate change with children:

ミリーも同意します。彼女が脅えているのは、政府がこの問題に対してあまり何もしていないように見えることです。私たちはどこにでも逃げられるわけではありません。人類の家は地球だけです。ミリーは地球を百万分の一と呼んでいます。つまり、とても特別で珍しいという意味です。では、何ができるでしょうか?心理療法士のキャロライン・ヒックマンは、世界中の10カ国を訪れ、10万人以上のティーンエイジャーに気候に対する恐怖について話してきました。子どもたちは、自分の気持ちを話したいときに親が無視したり、大人が「地球を治すのはあなたの仕事よ!」と言ったりしたと彼女に話しました。ここで彼女は、BBC Ideas に、気候変動について子どもたちと話し合うことについてのアドバイスをしています。

Caroline Hickman
My advice to adults, parents, teachers, is do not put it off, don’t push it away. Don’t save it up and just have that big conversation. Talk about it regularly. That’s crucial. And it’s OK for you to say to your children, “I don’t have all the answers. We’re not sure exactly how to deal with all of this. But let’s find out together.”


Caroline’s top tip is to discuss the climate crisis regularly, to talk with children about their climate fears and not put it off – not delay talking about it until later.


Caroline also advises parents not to push it away, to choose to forget about or ignore the subject. A better response is to tell kids honestly, ‘We don’t have all the answers, but by sharing ideas we can work things out together’ – a more hopeful message, and one that’s shared by climate champion, Greta Thunberg.


Yes, and it’s time to reveal the answer to my question – how did Greta Thunberg’s climate activism begin, Neil?


I said it was by skipping school on Fridays…


Which was… the correct answer! Greta started her ‘school strike for climate’ in August 2018 before it was taken up by over 1.6 million school children from 125 countries around the world. Okay, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve learned from this programme starting with climate anxiety, feeling worried, afraid or depressed because of climate change.

それは…正解です!グレタは2018年8月に「気候のための学校ストライキ」を開始し、その後世界125か国から160万人以上の児童が参加しました。では、このプログラムで学んだ語彙をまとめましょう。”climate anxiety”(気候変動による不安、恐怖、憂鬱感)から始まります。

parasite is an animal or plant that feeds off another living thing. 


If something makes you feel very emotional or upset, you might say, it freaks me out!

何かにとても感情的になったり動揺したりした場合は、”it freaks me out!”と言うかもしれません。

The idiom one in a million describes something which is extremely special, rare or unlikely.

”one in a million”(100万分の1)というイディオムは、非常に特別で、まれで、ありそうもない何かを表します。 

And finally, two phrasal verbs to finish with – to put something off which means to delay doing it ‘til later, and to push something away which means to decide to forget about or ignore it. Once again our six minutes are up, but remember to join us again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary, here at 6 Minute English. Goodbye for now!

最後に、2つの句動詞で締めくくります。”to put something off”(何かを先送りする)、つまり後でやるのを遅らせることと、”to push something away”(何かを遠ざける)、つまり忘れたり無視したりすることに決めることです。今回も 6 分間が終了しましたが、6 Minute English でトレンドのトピックや役立つ語彙をさらに学ぶために、またすぐにご参加ください。では、さようなら!




climate anxiety(気候に対しての不安)
feeling worried, afraid or depressed because of global climate change


animal or plant that lives on/in another living creature and feeds from it; person who is lazy and lives off other people who support them or give them money


freaks (me) out(私を怖がらせる)
causes (me) to become very emotional, upset, angry or confused


one in a million(100万分の1)
extremely special, rare or unlikely


put (something) off(何かを先送りにする)
delay doing something until a later time


push (something) away(何かを押しのける)
decide to forget about or ignore something

